The competition does not correspond to the trade agreements. It doesn't follow the common proffesion limitations, government restrictions or works without the required certificates, permissions and so on. If a competative company is acting unfair - promoting fake products, decreasing prices with unreal quality, taking advantage of your employees, or just tries to abuse your company with any means possible.
Unfair competition ruins your business, dishonors all major law restrictions and craft guidelines in order to take advantage in the common business environment. You pay for trainings, certificates, licenses, trademarks, offices/shops/stores, while the competition offers seemingly the same at lower cost, without making all mandatory expenses.
Hiring a private investigator may save you significant future losses. Our huge experience, especially in the mentioned cases will help you prove all irregularities the competative company is doing. In that way you may balance the competition, thus increase significantly your profits.
If you experience any of the above mentioned problems or any other, don't hesitate to contacts us. The proffesional team of Detective Agency NAS-Group, as well as all our partners in the Detective Association are at your disposal 24/7. We can solve your specific problem in discreete and adequate manner.