Information from many sources as well as ESGRAON allows us to find successfully relatives to you or other person.
If you are looking for a close or distant relative or descendants of real/unreal estates, etc.
If you experience any of the above mentioned problems or any other, don't hesitate to contacts us. The proffesional team of Detective Agency NAS-Group, as well as all our partners in the Detective Association are at your disposal 24/7. We can solve your specific problem in discreete and adequate manner.
All Services
- Surveillance
- Cheatings
- Tracing
- GPS Tracing
- Hidden audio and video surveillance
- Internet detective
- Spy Software
- Scanning for spy equipment
- Unfair competition
- Intellectual property
- Authenticity and Validation of Documents
- Consanguineous links
- Inquiries for companies
- Inquiries for court cases
- Inquiries for people
- Jamming (blackout)