Detective agency NAS-Group applies the most modern and convenient hardware.
Jamming of wireless devices is a common service in the detective society. If you need to maintain confidentiality of a specific event, meeting, office, or even in your car. Jamming devices can apply on all types of audio-video listeners, as well as mobile phones in the affected area.
Jamming devices (also known as stoppers) are actually multi-frequency transmitters which transmit noise signal on all radio and wireless devices like: mobile phones, hidden cameras, audio devices, beetles, radiostationns, remote controllers etc. In this manner the communication in the area is blocked in the area covered by the jamming device.
All detective services include conslutation with out private investigator concerning your specific case.
If you experience any of the above mentioned problems or any other, don't hesitate to contacts us. The proffesional team of Detective Agency NAS-Group, as well as all our partners in the Detective Association are at your disposal 24/7. We can solve your specific problem in discreete and adequate manner.